#pauline bell
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toonrandy · 10 months ago
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Here’s Pauline Bell from Atomic Puppet!
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hyakilove129 · 2 years ago
En español
Hace 5 años que no miro atomic puppet lo mire cuando salió en el 2016 hasta que termino la temporada completa en las vacaciones de invierno aquí en la argentina se me dieron ganas de verla de nuevo a la serie no me acordaba el nombre así que cuando me salió en tik tok un vídeo dije no vamos a ver,no me arrepiento de lo que hice e de admitir que extrañe,a los personajes como ap,Joey,Crimson Beacon,Pauline Bell
Los amo Joey es un amor,amo a mi niño tierno e inteligente
Ap es un gruñon pero por alguna extraña raz��n se hace adorable
Crimson Beacon ni hablar de él es súper tierno aún que no hable se me hace un amor siempre he tenido ganas de abrazarlo,siento que a beacon lo dejaron muy de lado en la serie sus poderes son increíbles
Pauline Bell es ella es hermosa y fuerte la amo es una lastima que no salió mucho al igual que beacon la dejaron de lado en la serie me hubiera gustado que apareciera más
in English
I haven't watched atomic puppet for 5 years, I watched it when it came out in 2016 until the end of the full season during the winter holidays here in Argentina I wanted to see the series again I didn't remember the name so when a video came out on tik tok I said no let's see, I don't regret what I did and to admit that I miss characters like ap, Joey, Crimson Beacon, Pauline Bell
I love you Joey is a sweetheart, I love my sweet and intelligent boy
Ap is a grump but for some strange reason he becomes adorable
Crimson Beacon not to mention he is super cute even if he doesn't talk he makes me love I've always wanted to hug him, I feel that beacon was left very aside in the series his powers are incredible
Pauline Bell is she is beautiful and strong I love her it is a pity that she did not come out much like beacon they left her aside in the series I would have liked her to appear more
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flowerguy4ever · 6 months ago
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My Atomic Puppet oc! Clay Girl :DD
might drop some lore abt her in the reblogs..
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annaofthenorthernlights · 6 days ago
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for @fluffbruary
Life is happening… Robert and Claudette finally find some time to themselves...
day 26 - shelter
6 months later… Claudette climbs into the wagonette after checking on her sister. Paulette is now heavily pregnant, and Gaston is in the same mess as when Pauline was on her way. But this time he does not have as much time to hover around Paulette as his daughter keeps him busy.
Read on AO3
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willowisapillow · 2 years ago
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Ever since 2021, I've started this little art series of mine where I dressed up various Mario, Paper Mario, and Wario gals as Disney Princesses, both official and unofficial. I've posted these pics on different Aminos, and on DeviantArt, but I wanted to repost some of the pics on Tumblr, because why not :>
Here's half of the pictures I've drawn from 2021-2022. Included a few gijinkas in here as well.
Ladies from top to bottom:
• Pauline (Donkey Kong) as Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
• Captain Syrup (Wario Land) as Esmeralda (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
• Merelda (Wario Land: Shake it) as Tiana (Princess and the Frog)
• Vivian (Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door) as Cinderella
• Kersti (Paper Mario Sticker Star) as Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
🌹 🎶 🐸 👠 💤
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aorticsims · 6 months ago
The Many Faces of Desiderata Valley
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kevinvoncrastenburg · 2 years ago
Uberhood Pics (14) - Aspir, Baldwin, Bell DeBateau & Larson
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years ago
The children were facing one another across the pillar where the bell hung, still trembling, though it no longer gave out any note.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" - C. S. Lewis
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[Renée Vivien. La Saffo della Belle Époque][Teresa Campi]
Teresa Campi, la prima studiosa italiana di Renée Vivien, restituisce finalmente un ritratto sincero di questa straordinaria donna presentandola non più come una figura misteriosa e “depravata” ma anzi come un personaggio appassionato
Nella Parigi di inizio Novecento, venticinque secoli dopo Saffo, in una città mondana e libertina, tra i pizzi delle gonne al Moulin Rouge e i cocktail “al vetriolo” serviti nei salotti, una poetessa sfidò il suo tempo, scrivendo versi appassionati sull’amore e sulle donne. Il suo nome era Pauline Mary Tarn (1877-1909), meglio conosciuta come Renée Vivien, una “figlia di Baudelaire”, come fu…
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zx-ta · 8 months ago
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Desiderata Valley:
So, as usual, my timelime is happening like 5 years before TS2 and I need more elders, it means that Elizabeth Aspir's dad and Victor Aspir's mom are still alive, Pauline is not born yet. Teens are kids and kids are infants. Oh and Natasha a cat!
Cyrus Nejem, Elizabeth Nejem (Aspir), Victor Aspir, Luis Aspir and Noriko Aspir
Violet Jocque, Sofia Jocque, Marcel Jocque, Rick Contrary, Edward Contrary and Opal Contrary
Sharon Wirth, Hannah Bell, Issac Bell and Daniel Bell
John Mole, Matthew Picaso, Jessica Picaso, Natasha Una and Asparagus
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year ago
Hybrid Cafe Yans
A list of the hybrid yans since it's been a minute-. The first name is their real name and the second is the nicknames reader has given them. The only exclusions are Saber and Wistera who haven't been nicknamed yet, and Doc and Trick who have never been official named
Saber [he/him] - Model/Influencer Catboy who got saved from the ran by Cafe reader on their first shift. Very snobby and feels entitled to most if not all of reader's time being their first customer
Clyde/Spot [he/him] - A lonely delivery rabbit. Shy and Sweet. Bounced around in the foster care system as a child and has severe abandonment issues steaming from it which later on resulted in him dying his fur white to be more appealing to others. His nickname comes from Reader finding a spot on his ear since it had been a while since his last dye job
Shanna/Bo [She/Her] - Reader's sheep girl coworker. Extremely clumsy and timid, but also plays up the act to lean on reader's shoulder. The daughter of a local club owner who is still coming to terms with her recent coming out.
Pauline/Belle [She/Her] - The ex head chef at the cafe. A hot headed cow woman with a soft spot for reader who's what keeps her crawling back to the city from her cozy new life on her farm
Robbie/Honey [They/Them] - A bumble bee who as their name implies is sweet as can be..... on the surface. Robbie is one of if not the most willing to beat others into submission for Reader. Their mother is the head of a massive company who gifted them the entire apartment complex they live in. Later moves Reader into one of them who pays next to nothing for rent
Trick [They/Them] - A tired Crow enjoying early retirement/hiatus from their work. Greatly enjoys relaxing with a cup of tea and gifting reader presents from the various regions they've traveled to over the years. Works as a teacher as a secondary occupation which slowly drains them as it reminds them of the empty nest they have at home
Asher/Prince [he/him] - Hyperactive Hyena boy ready and willing to throw hands for reader. Their kindness helped him get over his fear of humans after years of bullying for having a human parent and a shorter stature because of it, and being wrongfully arrested when attacked by bullies and choosing to fight back
Wisteria [She/Her] - Plant woman of unknown origin. Owns a flower shop not too far from the cafe and supplies it with bouquets for their displays which she uses to eavesdrop on reader. Soft spoken and formal
Doc [They/it] - Leech Hybrid med student. Extremely giggly and carefree. Always tries to give Reader check ups which certainly aren't ploys to obtain vials of their sweet, sweet blood. Has difficults walking on land and wears leg braces for the weak muscles in their legs
Scout/Bear [he/him] - Wolf hybrid. Doesn't like to talk much about himself, but lived with his grandmothers and dogs in the wilderness before they all passed away. Stoic and grouchy, but weak to soft praise and touches
The manager - A deer hybrid mentioned briefly in the Christmas special. Not much to them now, but I'd really like to use them eventually
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flowerguy4ever · 23 days ago
Okay, atomic puppet headcanons!
Headcanon for AP and Joey's dad: they both come up with different dad jokes that they make everytime its like them two alone :D
Headcanon for Joey and Pauline: they do skate practices all the time, and AP maybe sometimes goes with them (probably also experienced skating himself when he was...human.)
Headcanon for Princess Wartickle and AP: they are bitter exes :D
Headcanon for Princess Wartickle: she sometimes does pedicure in her free time as the sentence "You chipped my nail!" In one of the episodes where princess wartickle and AP switched bodies!
Headcanon for Princess Wartickle and Pauline: Joey takes Pauline sometimes in Princess Wartickle's dimension and occasional girl night and training! :DD
Also! This is bonus for my oc x canon! :D (AP x Maria)
Headcanon: they kind of met off in a bitter start but just get used to each other later on
more for part two!
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jadafitch · 3 months ago
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Owls Head Light, Owls Head, Maine. Perhaps the most famous resident of Owls Head Light, was a springer spaniel named Spot. Dog of keeper Augustus B. Hamor (keeper from 1930-1945). Gus's daughters, Pauline and Millie, trained Spot to ring the fog bell as vessels sailed by. Spot's favorite visitor was the mail boat, as the captain always brought him a treat. During one bad blizzard, Spot adamantly asked to be let out. He ran to the waters edge and barked until the mail boat captain, unable to see in the storm, heard the barks, recognized where he was, and avoided a collision with the rocks. Another Maine lighthouse hero dog.
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scavengedluxury · 2 months ago
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Bell tower of the Pauline Monastery, Budapest, 1941. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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kevinvoncrastenburg · 2 years ago
Uberhood Pics (46) - Jocque
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Pauline Aspir:
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Just some pics of Mike Jocque's birthday party. He is Sophia and Marcel's second child and the little brother of Violet Jocque, who's at college at the moment. He grew up into a child and his one true hobby, how could it be otherwise, is sports. 😅
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I was playing this household and didn't even notice their dog died from old age. I still wonder how I could miss this. Poor Otis. RIP. 🥺
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kenyatta · 8 months ago
Reflecting on his experience of teaching Arendt’s work, [Lewis] Gordon notes that sometimes, when he points out the anti-black racism in her writings, his colleagues and students interpret this as meaning that ‘we should not read her work’; that he wishes to remove Arendt from the reading list.  Gordon calls this ‘a white response’: it is a response typical of those who had the privilege of being surrounded by scholarship that is not offensive to their being. Yet, the world is different for Black scholars: it would be weird if canonical (Western) texts did not contain any racism.  Gines/Belle makes a similar point:  ‘Anybody you read in the canon, right, there is this way in which anybody you read in the canon, there’s gonna be issues of anti-black racism … there’s gonna be issues of sexism, homophobia, and all of these things … what I want to invite scholars and students and reader of these texts to do is, you know, read what’s actually there.’  Discussions of racism in Arendt’s writings are not new, nor is she a unique figure in the Western philosophical canon (Bryan Van Norden, Western Philosophy is Racist, 2017). Immanuel Kant’s work has come under similar critique, and there are ongoing debates of how to engage with the overtly sexist and racist aspects of his writings (Pauline Kleingeld, On Dealing with Kant’s Racism and Sexism, 2019).  It is in Kantian scholarship that one can find inspiration for how to approach Arendt’s work: not to cancel her, but to engage with her work and to debate  her.  This means, first and foremost, that her views of Africans and African Americans cannot be excluded from discussions of her work: we need to read ‘what is actually there’. The aim is not to ‘rescue’ her, or to explain her as ‘misunderstood’, but to understand her political philosophy more fully, in all its complexity. It is not to ask ‘why did she write this’, but to ask ‘how come she would write this (given all the other things she is concerned about, in particular her own reflections on racism)’?
On racism and how to read Hannah Arendt | Diggit Magazine
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